Below are some of the more common morphs we are working with. There are many more, and we highly recommand World of Ball Pythons for more information on the wide variety Ball Pythons possess.

Wildtype: While not an official 'trait', wildtype or normal Ball Pythons are the combination of all the normally occuring genes in the animal. They control everything from color, to pattern, to the entire physiology. The Wildtype genes are often overlooked in the Incomplete Dominant morphs as they do play a large roll in the heterozygous forms. While wildtype traits can and are passed down, they usually do so without concrete consistency.
Dominant genes only require one out of the two genes to express the full appearance. Typically these are pattern related and work well with other incomplete and recessive traits.

Pinstripe: A reduction in pattern to the point of becoming thin lines. Smaller spots are often still present. Combines with other pattern morphs for further pattern reductions, and with color morphs for the best of both worlds. Common naming schemes include Spinner for combinations with Spider, Blast when combined with Pastel, and King when combined with Lesser.

Spider: A slight reduction in pattern with white sides and a decorative head. Combines well with color morphs. Common naming schemes typicall suffix '-bee' when paired with Spider. Sometimes -bee includes Pastel, but proper naming should combine the pastel with the third morph prior (Pewter Bee, Pastave Bee).

Woma: A very similar morph to Spider, but with more consistent solid shading on the sides. Most morph combintions will work similarly.
Incomplete Dominant
Incomplete Dominant (sometimes erroneously called Co-Dominant) genes require both pairs to fully express the morph much like recessive traits, but the single gene form will work with the wildtype to express a less dramatic, but still noticeable appearance. The complete homozygous form is typically called a 'Super', with the heterozygous form usually possessing the common name. Traits may range from color alterations and blushing to Leucism.

Black Pastel: A darker, more melanistic morph, similar to Cinnamon. Halos around the side spotting are characteristic of the morph, and the homozygous form is a solid black snake with some lighter blocking. No relation to the Pastel gene

Champagne: A nearly patternless morph except for the dorsal striping. Similar to a Genetic stripe, but with thinner lines, lighter appearance, and varying coloration. Super form is a Leucistic, but none have thrived at this point.

Cinnamon: Similar to Black Pastel with elongated spotted and a more melanistic apperance. Super form is a solid dark snake, but lighter than the Black Pastel. The original name was Cinnamon Pastel, but the pastel was dropped as to not confuse with the more common yellowish morph.

Enchi: A pattern morph similar to Spider and Woma, but also possessing a super form which reduced the pattern and markings further. Common naming schemes include 'Stinger' when combined with Spider, and 'Tiger' when combined with Desert.

Fire: A lighter morph that is the hetrozygous form of a Black Eyed Leucistic, but also works well to clean up general appearance when combined with other non-allelic genes. Compatible genes include Sulphur and possibly Vanilla. The super form tends to have yellow blocking, almost as a reverse of the Super Cinnamon. Common names include a '-fly' suffix when combined with Pastel, Cream with combined with vanilla, and Nuclear when combined with Butter.

Lesser: Another lighter morph which is the result of being the heterozygous form of a Blue Eyed Leucistic. Most combinations result in a light tan or yellow coloration, but can also be combined with other allelic genes to form a complete or nearly complete white snake. Pure white usually occurs in a Super Lesser or Lesser/Mojave mix. Other compatible morphs result in light patterning. Common naming schemes include 'Queen' when combined with Spider or 'King' when with Pinstripe or Clown. Another close morph is Butter, which behaves the same, and due to variations they can easily be confused.

Mojave: Compatible with Lesser, this morph has slightly pigment, leading to a darker heterozygous form, and a Super with a dusty grey head. Combinations with Lesser/Butter produce a clean white snake, while combinations with other allelic genes such as Special, Phantom, Mocha, or Crystal will have more pronounced patterns.

Pastel: The most common coloration morph, and usually the first to be combined with a new genetic mutation. Typically the normal browns are replaced with Yellow, and the blacks lighten up with some blushing. The heterozygous form mixes equally with the wildtype genes to produce a yellow that browns over time, but the Super form retains the vibrant colors and light patches. Common naming schemes include -blast for Pinstripes comboes, -fly with Fire, Killer- for combos using the Super form, and sometimes is required when using the -bee suffix. The original name was Jungle Pastel, but shortened over time.

Spotnose: Spotnose is a more subtle morph, but acts as an excellent clean-up gene. Typically they are a lighter morph and have a 4-leaf clover pattern on their head. The Super form is the Powerball, which shows the full lightness and reduced pattern.

Vanilla: Vanilla is a very understated morph, which alone does look like much, but acts as a nice clean-up gene similar to Fire. When combined with Fire, the -cream suffix as added, and it it strongly believed that they are allelic.

Yellow Belly: Yellowbelly tends to be a color morph. The hetrozygous form looks like a more yellow normal, but selective breeding has produced much more vibrant examples. The Super form is a Black Eyed Luecistic that goes by the name Ivory. Yellow Bellies are allelic to Spectors to produce Super Stripes, Sparks to produce Pumas, and Gravel to produce Highway Balls. The Ivory is the only relatively pure white snake, which the other forms produce striped snakes.
Recessive genes work like Incomplete Dominant, but the single gene or heterozygous form shows no noticeable visual difference from a wildtype. The heterozygous or 'het' form still retains some value since they often form the building block of combining Recessive traits with other desireable morphs.

Albino: A complete lack of melanin or black pigment. This results in a typically yellow to white snake based on the underlying pattern. Eyes are a deep red due to the lack of pigment revealing the underlying blood vessels.

Axanthic (SK): There are several lines of Axanthic all of which are not compatible and originated as separate pigment deficiencies. The name means 'without-yellow' and typically produces a grey and white snake. However depending on the line, the animals turn from silver to brown and end up closer to the wildtype. As hatchlings, they are striking compared to the normal siblings, but do not remain so after a year or two. SK, the Snake Keeper line, fairs the worst, with VPI being better. Common combinations include the Zebra when combined with Spider and Pastel (Bumble Bee), True Ghost when combined with Hypo/Ghost, and Snow when combined with Albino. Axanthic Albino is known as Snow in other species of snakes with similar black and yellow pigment deficiencies.

Caramel Albino: Also known as T+ or Tyrosine positive albinism. Tyrosine is the precursor to the production of melanin, the black pigment, and when this amino acid is partially functional, the result is a light caramel color. T+ albinos are common in many other snake species. When combined with Hypo/Ghost, Caramel Glows are produced with increased blushing and deep orange colors. Another similar morph is Ultramel, which while not compatible, results from the same defective Tyrosine mututation.

Clown: A coloration and slight pattern morph that results in a light tan to orange appearance, and reduced markings on the head. The eyes also tend to have dark markings giving the snake its namesake.

Genetic Stripe: A purely pattern morph that results in a solid or broken stripe down the spine, usually with a thick dark border. When combined with other pattern morphs, there stripes usually hide most of the combinations, but spider and color morphs tend to work well.

Orange Ghost: There are many Ghost or Hypo lines, which are incompatible, but each produces a reduced melanin appearance with a clear outer layer of skin. This softens the underlying color, and at times makes them look in shed, even when not. Aside from Albinos, this is the most common recessive morph and can be relatively inexpensive.

Piebald: This pigment deficiency occurs in random patches throughout the snake. The pattern is not consistant, and can range from affecting only the underside to almost the entire snake. The head usually retains some pattern, and when combined with certain morphs, that may be the only part that is not white.